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Legal Notice

Identification of the website publisher

Company: DALISNEY Head office: Place Gérard Willaume, 77600 Chanteloup-en-Brie FR Telephone number: +33 1 85 36 00 00 E-mail address: [email protected] SIRET: 97838252100026 Share capital: €600,000.00 Intracommunity VAT number: FR34978382521 Publication manager: Natacha MEREL Legal manager: Benjamin ALTARAS

Website hosting and production

Company: Mixit7 – Web Agency Registered office: 34 avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008 Paris, France SIREN NUMBER: 842 652 547 Telephone number: +33 1 85 80 11 11 E-mail address: [email protected] Website:

Editorial content

The Site offers editorial content (hotel, rooms, etc.) for information purposes only. This content should be taken as food for thought. Users are invited by the Publisher to use this information with a critical mind and discernment.

Hypertext links to third-party sites

The Site provides hypertext links to websites published by third parties. The inclusion of such links does not imply the Publisher’s approval of the content of said sites. The Publisher cannot constantly monitor the content of the said sites and therefore cannot guarantee: the accuracy, reliability, relevance, updating or exhaustiveness of their content; their access and proper technical operation. Consequently, the Publisher cannot be held liable in the event of any dispute between a site referenced on the Site and a User. Only the publishers of the sites referenced on the Site may be held liable.

Intellectual property rights

The hotel website and each of its elements are the exclusive property of the hotel. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or in part, of this website or of any of its components is prohibited without the prior authorisation of the Hotel. Similarly, the trademarks and domain names that appear on the Hotel’s website are the exclusive property of the Hotel. Any reproduction or use of these trademarks or domain names in any manner whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever is prohibited without prior authorisation. A hypertext link to the Hotel’s website may only be set up with the prior written authorisation of the Hotel. In addition, the Hotel declines all responsibility for the content of sites that may be linked to the Hotel’s website by a hypertext link.

Security of exchanges

The Publisher undertakes to take all legal and technical measures to ensure the security of exchanges. In this respect, the Publisher undertakes to use its best efforts to prevent any misappropriation of data and to comply with applicable regulations. Nevertheless, Users of the Site are aware of the technical characteristics of the Internet and the associated risks. Consequently, the Publisher cannot guarantee its Users that data exchanged via the services offered by the Site will not be fraudulently harvested by third parties.

Availability of services

The Publisher has a best endeavours obligation in terms of service accessibility and has put in place the necessary structures to make the Site accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, the Publisher may suspend access without notice, in particular for maintenance and upgrading purposes. The Publisher accepts no liability whatsoever for any resulting damage to the User or any third party. The Publisher may at any time delete all or part of its Services or modify their content, in particular for technical reasons, without prior notice. The Publisher reserves the right to refuse, unilaterally and without prior notice, any User access to all or part of the Site. Such a decision may in particular be taken in the event of a User’s failure to comply with the terms of this text.

Collection of data

In order to carry out the services ordered, the Hotel may collect your personal data. You have the right to access, modify, delete and oppose the processing of your personal data and its use for canvassing purposes. Any questions in this area, as well as the right to object to, access, rectify or delete this information, may be addressed to the Hotel.

Opposition to telephone canvassing

In accordance with article L.223-1 of the French Consumer Code, all consumers have the option of registering free of charge on the BLOCTEL telephone cold calling opposition list. For more information or to register, please visit the official website: If your telephone number is collected as part of our activities, you are informed of your right to oppose any telephone canvassing by registering on this list.

Privacy policy

Users are invited to consult the ‘Confidentiality policy’ page.

Applicable law

This text is subject to French law. The Publisher reserves the right to amend the terms, conditions and disclaimers at any time.

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